Promises to Keep by Joe Biden, our vice president, wasn't what I was hoping for. I guess after being spoiled with Dreams from My Father and The Audacity of Hope by Barack Obama I was counting on something of that effect. But Biden just isn't as polarizing. Granted, he's a great political thinker and I'm glad he's second in the line of succession.
Biden does however emote well his love of family and service to our country as a U.S. Senator. He has great foreign affairs experience and was an advocate for action in Bosnia. Perhaps his shining achievement in the Senate was the passage of his Violence Against Women Act.
His writing tends to carry on into ramblings about old war stories. I found myself losing interest in later chapters when he would go on and on about the Bork confirmation hearings or Bosnia or the VAMA. He is very egotistical. Whenever he talks about campaigning he always feels that the people love him more than other candidates. He feels like he is always on top of the public opinion. He believes his always more prepared then the other person.
Whatever his misgivings, he is still a great politician and I have no doubt he will be a great vice president. He'll at least be better than Dan Quayle or Dick Cheney. I know he can spell and since he's a Democrat I doubt he'll shoot anyone in the face with a shotgun.
Now playing: Rush - The Necromancer: Into Darkness/Under the Shadow/Return of the Prince
via FoxyTunes
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